Can Government Deman Stimulate Private Investment? Evidence from U.S. Federal Procurement (with Shafik Hebous), Journal of Monetary Economics, Forthcoming, Published version, Working paper version
Publication Bias and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns (with Andrew Y. Chen), Review of Asset Pricing Studies, 2020, vol 10(2), pp.249-289, Published version, Working paper version
Employment Effects of Unconventional Monetary Policy: Evidence from QE (with Stephan Luck), Journal of Financial Economics, 2020, vol 135(3), pp.678-703, Published version, Working paper version
Did QE Lead Banks to Relax their Lending Standards? Evidence from the Federal Reserve’s LSAPs (with Robert Kurtzman and Stephan Luck),Journal of Banking and Finance, forthcoming, Published version, Working paper version
Revisiting the Narrative Approach of Estimating Fiscal Mulitpliers (joint with Shafik Hebous, 2018), Scandinavian Journal of Economics vol.120(2), pp. 331-653.Published version, Working paper
Fiscal consolidations and bank balance sheets (joint with Jacopo Cimadomo and Sebastian Hauptmeier, 2014), Journal of International Money and Finance, vol. 45, pp. 74-90. Published version, Working paper
Estimating the Effects of Coordinated Fiscal Actions in the Euro Area (joint with Shafik Hebous, 2013) , European Economic Review, vol. 58, pp. 110-121. Published Version, Working paper