Refereed publications in scientific journals
The type-setted and copy-edited versions can be requested by e-mail.
- R.E. Haschka, D. Wied. "Estimating Fixed Effects Stochastic Frontier Panel Models Under ‘Wrong’ Skewness with an Application to Health Care Efficiency in Germany", Computational Economics, forthcoming, 2025+, doi, postprint
- E. Theising, D. Wied. "Monitoring Cointegration in Systems of Cointegrating Relationships", Econometrics and Statistics, forthcoming, 2023+, doi, postprint, R-codes and critical values
- A. Mayer, D. Wied, V. Troster. “Quantile Granger causality in the Presence of Instability”, Journal of Econometrics, 249, 105992, 2025, doi, pdf
- T. Kutzker, D. Wied. "Testing the Correct Specification of a System of Spatial Dependence Models for Stock Returns", Empirical Economics, 66(5), 2083-2101, 2024, doi, postprint
- J. Breitung, A. Mayer, D. Wied. "Asymptotic Properties of Endogeneity Corrections Using Nonlinear Transformations", Econometrics Journal, 27(3), 362--383, 2024, doi, postprint, R-code
- D. Wied. "Semiparametric Distribution Regression with Instruments and Monotonicity", Labour Economics, 2024, 90, 102565, doi, postprint, R-Code
- M. Borsch, A. Mayer, D. Wied. "Consistent Estimation of Multiple Breakpoints in Dependence Measures", Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 42(2), 695-706, 2024, doi, postprint
- R. Weißbach, A. Dörre, D. Wied, G. Doblhammer, A. Fink. "Left-Truncated Health Insurance Claims Data: Theoretical Review and Empirical Application", AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis, 108(1), 31-68, 2024, doi, postprint
- T. Kutzker, N. Klein, D. Wied. "Flexible Specification Testing in Semi-Parametric Quantile Regression Models", Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, forthcoming, 51(1), 353-383, 2024, doi, postprint
- E. Theising, D. Wied, D. Ziggel. "Reference Class Selection in Similarity-Based Forecasting of Sales Growth", Journal of Forecasting, forthcoming, 42(5), 1069-1085, 2023, doi, postprint, additional material
- A. Mayer, D. Wied. "Estimation and Inference in Factor Copula Models with Exogenous Covariates", Journal of Econometrics, 235(2), 1500-1521, 2023, doi, postprint, MATLAB-Code
- F. Duan, H. Manner, D. Wied. "Model and Moment Selection in Factor Copula Models", Journal of Financial Econometrics, 20(1), 45-75, 2022, doi, postprint, supplementary material, MATLAB-code
- M. Kaldorf, D. Wied. "Testing Constant Cross-Sectional Dependence With Time-Varying Marginal Distributions", Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics, 26(1), 1-22, 2022, doi, postprint, supplementary material
- R. Weißbach, D. Wied. "Truncating the Exponential with a Uniform Distribution", Statistical Papers, 63, 1247-1270, 2022, doi, postprint
- T. Kutzker, F. Stark, D. Wied. "Testing for Relevant Dependence Change in Financial Data: A CUSUM Copula Approach", Empirical Economics, 60, 1875-1894, 2021, doi, postprint, supplementary material
- H. Manner, F. Stark, D. Wied. "A Monitoring Procedure for Detecting Structural Breaks in Factor Copula Models", Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics, 25(4), 171-192, 2021, doi, postprint
- K. Pape, P. Galeano, D. Wied. "Sequential Detection of Parameter Changes in Dynamic Conditional Correlation Models", Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 37(3), 475-495, 2021, doi, postprint
- V. Troster, J. Penalva, A. Taamouti, D. Wied. "Cointegration, Information Transmission, and the Lead-Lag Effect between Industry Portfolios and the Stock Market", Journal of Forecasting, 40(7), 1291-1309, 2021, doi, postprint
- V. Troster, D. Wied. "A Specification Test for Dynamic Conditional Distributions", Econometric Reviews, 40(2), 109-127, 2021, doi, postprint
- C. Rothe, D. Wied. "Estimating Derivatives of Function-Valued Parameters in a Class of Moment Condition Models", Journal of Econometrics, 217(1), 1-19, 2020, doi, postprint, R-Code
- R. Löser, D. Wied, D. Ziggel. "New Backtests for Unconditional Coverage of the Expected Shortfall", Journal of Risk, 21(4), 39--60, 2019, online, postprint, R-code
- P. Posch, D. Ullmann, D. Wied. "Testing for Structural Changes in Large Portfolios", Empirical Economics, 56(4), 1341-1357, 2019, doi, postprint
- M. Demetrescu, D. Wied. "Testing for Constant Correlation of Filtered Series Under Structural Change", Econometrics Journal, 22(1), 10-33, 2019, doi (including R-code), postprint, supplementary material
- H. Manner, F. Stark, D. Wied. "Testing for Structural Breaks in Factor Copula Models", Journal of Econometrics, 208(2), 324-345, 2019, doi, postprint, MATLAB-code, MATLAB-code moment test
- F. Duan, D. Wied. "A Residual-Based Multivariate Constant Correlation Test", Metrika, 81(6), 653-687, 2018, doi, postprint, R-code
- H. Dehling, D. Vogel, M. Wendler, D. Wied. "Testing for Changes in Kendall's Tau", Econometric Theory, 33(6), 1352-1386, 2017, doi, postprint, supplementary material
- M. Wagner, D. Wied. "Consistent Monitoring of Cointegrating Relationships: The US Housing Market and the Subprime Crisis", Journal of Time Series Analysis, 38(6), 960-980, 2017, doi, postprint, supplementary material
- P. Galeano, D. Wied. "Dating Multiple Change Points in the Correlation Matrix", TEST, 26(2), 331-352, 2017, doi, postprint, supplementary material
- Y. Hoga, D. Wied. "Sequential Monitoring of the Tail Behavior of Dependent Data", Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 182, 29-49, 2017, doi, postprint
- D. Wied. "A Nonparametric Test for a Constant Correlation Matrix", Econometric Reviews, 36(10), 1157-1172, 2017, doi, postprint
- M. Arnold, N. Raabe, D. Wied. "Identifying Different Areas of Inhomogeneous Mineral Subsoil: Spatial Fluctuation Approaches", Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 45(1), 252-263, 2016, doi, postprint (earlier separate working paper with additional simulations: pdf)
- H. Dette, D. Wied. "Detecting Relevant Changes in Time Series Models", Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B, 78(2), 371-394, 2016, doi, postprint, R-code
- K. Pape, D. Wied, P. Galeano. "Monitoring Multivariate Variance Changes", Journal of Empirical Finance, 39(A), 54-68, 2016, doi, postprint, supplementary material
- T. Schmitt, R. Schäfer, D. Wied, T. Guhr. "Spatial Dependence in Stock Returns - Local Normalization and VaR Forecasts", Empirical Economics, 50(3), 1091-1109, 2016, doi, postprint
- D. Wied, G. Weiß, D. Ziggel. "Evaluating Value-at-Risk Forecasting: A New Set of Multivariate Backtests", Journal of Banking and Finance, 72, 121-132, 2016, doi, postprint, R-Code
- W. Krämer, D. Wied. "A Simple and Focused Backtest of Value at Risk", Economics Letters, 137, 29-31, 2015, doi, postprint
- T. Berens, G. Weiß, D. Wied. "Testing for Structural Breaks in Correlations: Does It Improve Value-at-Risk Forecasting?", Journal of Empirical Finance, 35, 135-152, 2015, doi, postprint
- A. Bücher, S. Jäschke, D. Wied. "Nonparametric Tests for Constant Tail Dependence With an Application to Energy and Finance", Journal of Econometrics, 187(1), 154-168, 2015, doi, postprint, MATLAB code
- D. Ziggel, T. Berens, G. Weiß, D. Wied. "A New Set of Improved Value-at-Risk Backtests", Journal of Banking and Finance, 48, 29-41, 2014, doi, postprint, code
- M. Arnold, D. Wied. "Improved GMM estimation of Random Effects Panel Data Models With Spatially Correlated Error Components", Papers in Regional Science, 93(1), 77-99, 2014, doi, postprint
- T. Berens, D. Wied, D. Ziggel. "Automated Portfolio Optimization Based on a New Test for Structural Breaks", Acta Universitatis Danubius: Œconomica, 10(2), 241-262, 2014, link, pdf
- M. Borowski, N. Rudak, B. Hussong, D. Wied, S. Kuhnt, W. Tillmann. "On- and Offline Detection of Structural Breaks in Thermal Spraying Processes", Journal of Applied Statistics, 41(5), 1073-1090, 2014, doi, postprint
- P. Galeano, D. Wied. "Multiple Break Detection in the Correlation Structure of Random Variables", Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 76, 262-282, 2014, doi, postprint
- D. Wied, H. Dehling, M. van Kampen, D. Vogel. "A Fluctuation Test for Constant Spearman's rho With Nuisance-free Limit Distribution", Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 76, 723-736, 2014, doi, postprint
- M. Arnold, S. Stahlberg, D. Wied. "Modeling Different Kinds of Spatial Dependence in Stock Returns", Empirical Economics, 44(2), 761-774, 2013, doi, postprint
- C. Rothe, D. Wied. "Misspecification Testing in a Class of Conditional Distributional Models", Journal of the American Statistical Association, 108(501), 314-324, 2013, R-code, doi, postprint
- D. Wied. "CUSUM-type Testing for Changing Parameters in a Spatial Autoregressive Model for Stock Returns", Journal of Time Series Analysis, 34(1), 221-229, 2013, doi, postprint
- D. Wied, M. Arnold, N. Bissantz, D. Ziggel. "Über die Anwendbarkeit eines neuen Fluktuationstests für Korrelationen auf Finanzzeitreihen", AStA Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches Archiv, 6(3-4), 87-103, 2013, doi, postprint (in German; earlier version in English: pdf)
- D. Wied, P. Galeano. "Monitoring Correlation Change in a Sequence of Random Variables", Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 143(1), 186-196, 2013, doi, postprint
- D. Wied, D. Ziggel, T. Berens. "On the Application of New Tests for Structural Changes on Global Minimum-Variance Portfolios", Statistical Papers, 54(4), 955-975, 2013, doi, postprint
- D. Wied, M. Arnold, N. Bissantz, D. Ziggel. "A New Fluctuation Test for Constant Variances With Applications to Finance", Metrika, 75(8), 1111-1127, 2012, doi, postprint
- D. Wied, W. Krämer, H. Dehling. "Testing for a Change in Correlation at an Unknown Point in Time Using an Extended Functional Delta Method", Econometric Theory, 28(3), 570-589, 2012, doi, pdf, R-Code (Copyright: Cambridge University Press); earlier separate working paper about the delta method: pdf
- D. Wied, R. Weißbach. "Consistency of the Kernel Density Estimator: A Survey", Statistical Papers, 53(1), 1-21, 2012, doi, postprint
- M. Arnold, D. Wied. "Improved GMM Estimation of the Spatial Autoregressive Error Model", Economics Letters, 108(1), 65-68, 2010, doi, postprint
Other published work
- D. Wied, R. Löser, R. Statistics in the Risk Assessment of Bank Portfolios, in: C. Weihs, W. Krämer, S. Buschfeld, (Hrsg.) Statistics Today. Society, Environment and Statistics. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 117--123, 2024, doi
- D. Wied, R. Löser. Statistik bei der Risikobewertung von Bankenportfolios, in: W. Krämer und C. Weihs (Hrsg.), Faszination Statistik, Springer, 105-111, 2019, doi
- D. Wied. "J. Bleymüller and R. Weißbach: Statistik für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler (17th edition)", Statistical Papers, 57(3), 845, 2016, doi, postprint (book review)
- P. Aschersleben, M. Wagner, D. Wied. "Monitoring Euro Area Real Exchange Rates", Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, 122, 363-370, 2015, ISBN 978-3-319-13880-0, pdf (12th Workshop on Stochastic Models, Statistics and Their Applications)
- D. Ziggel, T. Berens, D. Wied, G. Weiß. "Value-at-Risk: Der unevaluierte Standard im Risikomanagement", Risiko Manager, 24/2013, 1 & 7-9, 2013, pdf (in German)
- D. Ziggel, D. Wied. "Trading Strategies Based on New Fluctuation Tests", IFTA-Journal, Edition 2012, 17-20, 2012, pdf (the paper is based on a contribution for the VTAD award 2011 in German: link)
- K. Webel, D. Wied. Stochastische Prozesse - Verständliche Einführung für Statistiker und Datenwissenschaftler, Gabler, 2011 (2. Auflage 2016 with Springer-Gabler), official website with supplementary material, book review by R. Weißbach (textbook, in German)
- D. Wied. "Peter W. Jones and Peter Smith, Stochastic Processes: An Introduction", Statistical Papers, 52(3), 735-736, 2011, doi, postprint (book review)
- D. Wied. "Ein Fluktuationstest auf konstante Korrelation", dissertation, TU Dortmund, 2010, eldorado (referees: Prof. Dr. Walter Krämer, JProf. Dr. Uwe Ligges, Prof. Dr. Herold Dehling; in German)
Current working papers
- A. Mayer, D. Wied. "Endogeneity Corrections in Binary Outcome Models with Nonlinear Transformations: Identification and Inference", version August 2024
- A. Mayer, D. Wied, V. Troster. "Quantile Granger Causality in the Presence of Instability", version February 2024